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Firebird & Flames (Fantasy Poems)

Mara Amberly


Here are two more poems I’d like share.


Lustrous flame, you are alive,
Feathers regal, in flickering hues;
On powerful wings, you duck and dive,
A phoenix of reds and blues.

I saw you fall, a sorry thing,
You smouldered on the ground, embers dying;
Yet here you are, you bravely sing,
Risen again and flying!

I was here, so I know it’s true,
Saw billowing flames with my own eyes;
As legends foretold, I watch you soar,
Cheerful in bright dawn skies.


Fire dances in her eyes,
Aware and awake with knowing;
A flickering play of early morning
Light upon her visage,
Aglow like stardust given form.

A turn of her head and she
Bears witness to the world’s secrets.
A sigh touches her lips,
The petal pink of a flower.
A blush upon her cheeks, radiant.

Her dress is silken; orange like the sunrise,
Cast over mountains peaks. Beneath the sky
At dawn, as clouds dot the horizon and trees
Stand in steadfast silhouette. The burning sun,
As it rises, matches the glow in…



Mara Amberly

Science Fiction & Fantasy Author :: Poetess :: Roleplaying Game Writer ::