Mara AmberlyPhoenix Fire (A Fantasy Poem)I’d like to share a new poem of mine called ‘Phoenix Fire.’ I hope you enjoy it. :DAug 19, 20231Aug 19, 20231
Mara AmberlyKitsune (A Fantasy Poem)I have a new poem for you — this time about the Kitsune, or nine-tailed fox. :) This is an entirely new poem.Jul 6, 20231Jul 6, 20231
Mara AmberlyHeroes & Villains (A Fantasy/War Poem)I was browsing through one of my old poetry collections (called Feathers, Dreams and Faerie Wings), which I no longer have published on…May 23, 20231May 23, 20231
Mara AmberlyThe Gryphon (A Fantasy Poem)I wrote a short fantasy poem today with the intention of sharing it here. It doesn’t rhyme, but I hope you enjoy it all the same. :)May 16, 2023May 16, 2023
Mara AmberlyPhoenix Rising (A Fantasy Poem)I wrote a short little fantasy poem today on my phone while I had Kaia (the bunneh) out running around downstairs. I thought you might…May 15, 2023May 15, 2023
Mara AmberlyShe Belonged to a Dragon (A Fantasy Poem)Dragons possess a rare beauty, Of shimmering scales and powerful wings. But that is not all they possess, For they own people, as well as…May 14, 2023May 14, 2023
Mara AmberlyThe Diamonds Cast (A Poem)I try to post every day, but it’s been the best part of a week since I last posted here. I’ve had an art commission that I’ve been working…May 8, 20231May 8, 20231
Mara AmberlyThe Stars are Falling (A Poem)This is a short poem I wrote tonight, that I thought I might share with you. I’ll let you figure out the meaning for yourselves, and…May 3, 2023May 3, 2023
Mara AmberlyCrowned in Roses (A Fantasy Poem)‘Crowned in Roses’ is a quick fantasy poem I wrote while I was sitting downstairs this evening. :) It’s quite short, as I wrote it on my…Apr 27, 2023Apr 27, 2023
Mara AmberlyMy Best Short Stories & PoemsI thought it might be useful to post up a quick overview of some of my best and most popular short stories and poems on Medium.Apr 16, 20232Apr 16, 20232
Mara AmberlySpace Whales (A Fantasy Poem)I wrote a new poem today called ‘Space Whales.’ I have to say, it feels good to be writing poetry again, and just letting the words take…Apr 13, 2023Apr 13, 2023
Mara AmberlyThe Torc (A Fantasy Poem)I wanted to share a poem with you tonight before I get some sleep. :) ‘The Torc’ is an older poem of mine, that I wrote a number of years…Apr 11, 2023Apr 11, 2023
Mara AmberlyThe Lady Knight (A Poem)I have another new poem for you that I wrote yesterday. It’s called ‘The Lady Knight’ and tells a knightly tale of good vs evil. :)Apr 9, 20232Apr 9, 20232
Mara AmberlyOur Golden Home (A Poem)‘Our Golden Home’ is a poem that was in a poetry collection of mine called Feathers, Dreams and Faerie Wings. I thought it might be a poem…Apr 8, 2023Apr 8, 2023
Mara AmberlyThe Faery Garden (A Fantasy Poem)I wrote a new poem today called ‘The Faery Garden,’ and I’d like to share it here with you on Medium. While I’ve mainly shared older poems…Apr 7, 20231Apr 7, 20231
Mara AmberlyHis Wings (A Fantasy Poem)‘His Wings’ is an angel poem that was in my collection, Feathers, Dreams and Faerie Wings. It was one of those elusive ones I’d forgotten…Apr 4, 2023Apr 4, 2023
Mara AmberlyOpening Doors (A Fantasy Poem)This is one of my poems that is at once fantasy and more realistic. Doors in life can take many forms, and even though this poem has a…Mar 24, 20232Mar 24, 20232
Mara AmberlyRomance of the Sirens (A Fantasy Poem)This is a fantasy poem of mine called ‘Romance of the Sirens.’ It’s about a ship full of sailors encountering sirens in the water.Mar 23, 2023Mar 23, 2023
Mara AmberlyThe Sorceress (A Fantasy Poem)I’d like to share a poem with you that I wrote years ago now called ‘The Sorceress.’ It’s about magic and ambition. :) I previously had it…Mar 22, 2023Mar 22, 2023
Mara AmberlyThe Artist (A Fantasy Poem)I’d like to share a poem with you that I wrote some time ago — it’s called ‘The Artist.’ I had it published in a poetry book called…Mar 21, 2023Mar 21, 2023